Primers, enamels, lacquers, filiers, liquid plastic, self-levelling floors
ЋаPrimers, enamels, lacquers, filiers, liquid plastic, self-levelling floors
Primers, enamels, lacquers, filiers, liquid plastic, self-levelling floors
Ћакокрасочные материалы ѕенталак - наливные полы,  пластизоль, грунтовки, лаки, шпатлевки, эмали, растворитель р 4
Ћакокрасочные материалы ѕенталак - наливные полы,  пластизоль, грунтовки, лаки, шпатлевки, эмали, растворитель р 4Main
Ћакокрасочные материалы ѕенталак - наливные полы,  пластизоль, грунтовки, лаки, шпатлевки, эмали, растворитель р 4Products
Ћакокрасочные материалы ѕенталак - наливные полы,  пластизоль, грунтовки, лаки, шпатлевки, эмали, растворитель р 4About
Ћакокрасочные материалы ѕенталак - наливные полы,  пластизоль, грунтовки, лаки, шпатлевки, эмали, растворитель р 4Contacts грунтовка

Primers, enamels, lacquers, filliers

Ћаки, грунтовки, эмали, шпатлевки ѕенталак
PENTALAK's primers, enamels, lacquers, filliers are intended for processing and painting of various objects such as transportation, bridges (supports overflights), shelf drilling rigs, facilities and equipment seaports, industrial equipment, plants, buildings and facilities, working in aggressive environments, equipment and containers for the food industry, equipment and facilities for production, transportation, refining of oil and gas, power (nuclear power plant, hydroelectric power stations, CHP) and energy (electricity poles, etc.), the roadway (markings, signs and pointers), isolation current conductors high voltage electrical equipment, furniture, doors, window frames, bar, parquet and other products made of wood with increased demands for service, leather products and many others.
Ћаки, грунтовки, эмали, шпатлевки ѕенталак

Self-levelling floors

Ќаливные полы ѕенталак
Self-levelling floor would cover the wooden, concrete, metal and other types of floors in warehouses, industrial enterprises in the shops, food and chemical industries, utility rooms of homes, garages, etc. Self-levelling floor have high strength coatings, resistance to mechanical, electrical shocks, to vibration, as well as chemical resistance to acids, alkalis, alcohol, different types of POL.
This coverage is ideal for the construction of logistic centers, industrial facilities and others.

Ќаливной пол ѕенталак

Liquid plastic

∆идкий пластик ѕенталак
Liquid plastic is intended for internal and external works to protect and decorated surfaces of wood, metal, brick and concrete. Liquid forms a chemically resistant plastic decorative coating that can prevent long painted surface from impacts of the external environment. Can be used in the composition of three-meet series with paints XC(copolymers of vinyl chloride). Liquid plastic provides complete water and chemical resistance to seawater, alkalis and acids, alcohol, corrosive gas, oil, gasoline and other fuel.

Ћаки, грунтовки, эмали, шпатлевки ѕенталак

Cold zinc plating

’олодное цинкование (цинкополиуретанова¤ композици¤)
System of zinc-plating (Zinc-polyurethane composition) is designed to enhance the properties of integrated multi anticorrosion coating and cathodic provides full (or galvanic) protection of iron surfaces from corrosion in various aggressive media.
Cold zinc plating protects against corrosion of steel, concrete and reinforced concrete structures for construction of structural steel malouglerodistyh: construction and industrial metal, equipment, water, bridges, hulls, port facilities, equipment, chemical and petrochemical industries operated:
- in all types of atmospheric conditions;
- in the marine and fresh water;
- in crude oil, gasoline and other petroleum products.
The cover of composition of zinc and polyurethane is fire-safe and refers to material, not the flames spreading over the surface.
’олодное цинкование (цинкополиуретанова¤ композици¤)

At the materials produced by "PENTALAK" there is a conclusion independent examination of the laboratory of metal corrosion IES im.Patona NASU, hygienic conclusion, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, hygienic conclusion Centre GOSSANEPIDEMNADZORA Russian Federation.
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